General information
Photos – General
Photos – Hands-on Sessions
- Modeling Networks (Girvan)
- Animal Locomotion (Goldman)
- Foams (Mujica)
- Cell and Plumes (Rericha/Shew)
- Optical Chaos (Roy)
- Two-Dimensional Turbulence (Schatz)
- Nonlinear Dynamics (Sen)
- Granular Media (Shattuck)
- Chemical Oscillators (Showalter)
- Modeling Dynamics (Storey)
- Fluid Instablities (Swinney)
- Brownian Motion (Yodh/Hadbas)
Faculty Presentations (PDF Files)
- Dan Goldman: Locomotion and nonlinear dynamics (5.3MB)
- Michelle Girvan: The machinery of complex network theory (1.9MB)
- Nicolas Mujica: Sound propagation in disordered media (14.4MB)
- Thorsten Poschel: Structures in Granular Gases
- Erin Rericha and Woodrow Shew: Fluid plumes and biological self-organization
- Rajarshi Roy: Electro-optic signals that synchronize (7.5MB)
- Rajarshi Roy: Optical illusions (1.8MB)
- Abhijit Sen: Synchronization of electronic oscillators
- Michael Schatz: Two-dimensional turbulence (7.3MB)
- Mark Shattuck: Granual experiments
- Mark Shattuck: Analysis of image data
- Kenneth Showalter: Coupled chemical oscillators (31.3MB)
- Brian Storey: Computational science from the super computer to the personal computer (2.1MB)
- Harry Swinney: Emergence of spatial patterns in physical, chemical and biological systems (7.9MB)
- Arjun Yodh: Random walks and diffusive processes (35.3MB)